Heya ! I'm Nethal (or Em). I'm some guy who pretends to be a hyena on the internet :P.
I do many many things, such as drawings, video games, comics, crochet, sewing and sometimes even music ! My dream is to become a gamedev, and I don't want to wait until I'm done with my studies to archieve this dream. My brain is too creative for my own sake so I make a lot of stuff.
Ever since I was 8 I wanted to become a game developper. Like many I started with Scratch, now I am using RPG Maker (mainly MZ, but FES and XP as well), and I am learning Godot.
I don't like social medias, but I'm still a bit all over the internet. I hang around a bunch of forums and post various stuff :
Tumblr (video game/book/movie reviews, drawings) : https://www.tumblr.com/blog/local-hyena
Youtube (I make shitty youtube poops and memes) : https://youtube.com/@local-hyena37?si=YWYoazdmOf8doOA3
Who Killed The White Little Bunny devlogs (on pause??) (french RPG Maker forum) : https://www.rpg-maker.fr/index.php?page=forum&id=29574
Instagram (drawings, but I stopped posting because of all the AI stuff. I'm on Cara now) : https://www.instagram.com/nethal_37?igsh=ajc0c3Vjb2J4M3J4
Cara (a selection of my "best" drawings) : https://cara.app/nethal
Bandcamp (music. It's mostly experimental stuff.) : https://deadbirdfactory.bandcamp.com/album/brainfuck
I also hang around a bunch on LambdaGeneration : https://community.lambdageneration.com/user/nethal